Mini-Microsoft Cutting Room Floor

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Enough about keyboards already - New comment on Microsoft FY08Q4 Results.

Keeperplanet has left a new comment on your post "Microsoft FY08Q4 Results":

And besides, if your goal is "small above everything else", then it's still way too freakin' huge.

Agree with you on that. I was responding to the challenge of `best keyboard'.

An interesting source of keyboards odd and rare keyboards is this site:

Lots of compact notebook type keyboards there, as well as some ergonomic keyboards mostly really crappy designs but an interesting mix; the two dominant brands Microsoft and Logitech are not there.

Looking at the selection, note the classifications. I think this is indicative of the nature of keyboards as being quite personal, like mice. Ergonomic, desktop, notebook, sculpted, two piece, etc. The designs there are mostly crap, but the selection is enormous. While the Microsoft selection is quite generic to the old size range of the full 104+ key keyboards.

As for the Logitech key arrangement, I have never been affected adversely by their key layout selection, so I am having a hard time relating to your claim of the layout being backwards. Maybe you can be more specific, or maybe they are using a different `standard'? Microsoft is great at altering standards in the name of Microsoft then claiming it is what everybody has to use.


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