Out of control greed - New comment on Microsoft Layoffs - Cinco de Fire-O.
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Microsoft Layoffs - Cinco de Fire-O":
As an American born, white male over 40, who was laid off 1/22 I believe the layoffs are an excuse to get rid of 1) Americans and 2) Older employees.
Ya, ya, I know they laid off younger people and minorities because I saw them when I was in the DBM training classes. But you have to realize some people got to keep their card key and some didn't. Those who kept their card key in order to access the careers website were collateral damage just for Microsoft to cover their arse against lawsuits.
So I went contract... and got laid off again. Microsoft is deflating the contractor levels IN ADDITION to cutting the hourly pay rates.
It's "out of control greed", the same out of control greed that caused this economic depression in the first place: http://www.pbs.org/moyers/journal/04032009/watch.html
what ever you do, don't drop the soap at Microsoft... because if you do your spokes won't be straight any longer.
As one of the MS1400 (American citizen, over 40), I second this poster's spot-on comments.
The good news, Senator Dick Durbin (Majority Whip) just introduced a new bill to Congress to fix Microsoft's egregious layoff actions and abuse of H-1b and L-1 visa programs.
Write your elected officials and urge them to support S.887 H-1B and L-1 Visa Reform Act of 2009.
“The H-1B visa program should complement the U.S. workforce, not replace it,” Durbin said. “Congress created the H-1B visa program so an employer could hire a foreign guest-worker when a qualified American worker could not be found.
However, the H-1B visa program is plagued with fraud and abuse and is now a vehicle for outsourcing that deprives qualified American workers of their jobs. Our bill will put a stop to the outsourcing of American jobs and discrimination against American workers.”
Congress intended H-1B visas to benefit the American economy by allowing U.S. employers to import high-skilled and specialized guest-workers when no qualified American workers are available.
While initially successful, loopholes in the program have allowed foreign guest-workers to displace qualified American workers. Some claim that the H-1B program helps to create American jobs, but it is currently being used by some companies to outsource American jobs to foreign countries.
Under current law, an outsourcing company can use American workers to train H-1B guest-workers, fire the American workers and outsource the H-1B workers to a foreign country where they will do the same job for a much lower wage.
Anonymous, at May 6, 2009 at 10:55 PM
Oh quit your bitching and get back to work. There are people who depend on you. If next quarter's results aren't better there are trophy wives that might have to go to the salon every TWO weeks, kids that will have to switch to a cheaper private school, and entire families that might not be able to go to Aspen next winter. There are 1,000 partners at MS. Wíth their dependents that's a LOT of people who rely on YOUR work to maintain their lifestyle. You don't want to let them down do you? Come on, they'll show their gratitude and make sure you get an extra 15 stock awards this year.
Anonymous, at May 7, 2009 at 9:29 AM
Sorry I was one of the people laid off from Microsoft and replaced by H-1b workers at a 50% paycut.
May your good fortune continue. Its obvious that you do not walk in the shoes of 2,000+ highly qualified and talented American workers laid off from Microsoft.
Anonymous, at May 7, 2009 at 9:55 AM
Sorry I was one of the people laid off from Microsoft and replaced by H-1b workers at a 50% paycut.
Will you accept to work at that pay ? If someone can work at a cheaper price, then either you are being overpaid or something else is wrong. If an H1 was paid the same then you should worry, moreover for now microsoft is worried about money they are cutting costs and believe me this matters. Most products from microsoft have been successful not because they are good, but because microsoft has a name and standing that was built by bill gates and also strong arm marketing techniques. So microsoft needs better marketers and evangelists and dev, test are always replaceable with anything.
Anonymous, at May 7, 2009 at 3:21 PM
I can't second the rant about H1Bs but I definitely agree with the greed part.
MSFT is now treated by the top 1% employees as their personal piggy bank, with bonus criteria and compensation schemes constantly adjusted to ensure large payouts regardless of actual results.
If you're an IC the fruits of your hard work go to those genius "strategizers" who haven't come up with one successful idea in ten years.
At some point I decided that from then on I was going to work to pay _my_ kids' college tuition, not theirs and leaving was the natural thing to do.
As long as those people are in charge there is no future for MSFT. They'll milk that cow (and you) until there it has nothing left to give them. There will be more layoffs along the way. Save yourselves while you still can.
Anonymous, at May 7, 2009 at 5:59 PM
Poster 12:02 hit the nail on the head -
Egregious corporate visa laws that bypass American citizens exist because of deep funding from competeamerica.org corporations for for lobbyists and generous campaign contributions.
According to myvisajobs.com, Microsoft is the largest sponsor of guest workers in the world.
And, the mastermind of Microsoft's guest worker strategy? Convicted felon Jack Abramoff. See for yourself google abramoff, microsoft, h-1b.
We FINALLY have hope to clean up this debacle. Let's reclaim a fair chance for American citizens to compete jobs in our own country.
Write your elected officials and urge them to pass S. 887 H-1B and L-1 Visa Reform.
It's time to remind legislators that they were elected for the people, by the people - not BUY greedy employers like Microsoft.
Anonymous, at May 7, 2009 at 6:52 PM
To the person who agrees with Microsoft's labor arbitrage and lowering wages for Professionals in the Puget Sound area 50% in 3 weeks -
Give me a f&%3%^ break. Let's call it what it is - AGE DISCRIMINATION.
Laid off Microsoft workers over 40 - a recent US Supreme Court ruling places the burden of proof on the EMPLOYER to prove they did NOT discriminate against someone 40 and over. Microsoft is taking a calculated risk that we won't gather together and do something about this.
Anonymous, at May 7, 2009 at 7:00 PM
You guys are so uninformed. Get educated at least on a topic before spewing hatred and your Nazism.
Before an H1b guy (foreigner) gets hired, Microsoft and every employer in this country has to prove that they have tried to hire an American for 6 months to a year on popular sites both online and paper - e.g. monster and the papers and they have been unable to find an American.
Most Americans are uneducated and unqualified. You wait restaurants, flip burgers, volunteer, do construction work and then expect that suddenly some day you would get to work in the best place in the world. Suck it up losers - you lack the qualification to work here. In fact, you lack the qualification to be in this country at all. Why don't you relocate to Africa?
Anonymous, at May 7, 2009 at 7:27 PM
To the hostile troll or frightened guest worker visiting our country, I invite you to get the facts before you rudely insult our country and our people.
#1 VITAL Point - the H-1B issue is about CORPORATE HIRING PRACTICES - not racism, not immigration. The issue is not about guest workers, its about the unscrupulous employers. The issue is about the process, not the people (guest workers)
FRAUD - According to audits conducted by the UCIS, 20% of H1B sponsorships are fraudulent.
QUALIFIED AMERICANS, Sadly, your statement that Microsoft and every employer have to prove a shortage of workers is not accurate.
Current laws do not require employers to prove this.... The green card "PERM" laws require employers seek American candidates (Another process filled with fraud www.programmersguild.com)
Get the facts. Since you claim to be a guest worker, I am sure that your personal Microsoft Immigration Group legal team - your free paralegal, attorney, and outside attorney can help you.... That is once, they've finished helping get L-1, H-1b and Greencards for you, your spouse, and your family...
How many American jobs do you think that cost?
For the rest of us who are not entitled to free legal services check
I won't bother to give your hostile comments the time of day. All I know is that you do yourself a disservice bashing American citizens... With comments like these you invite encountering some unpleasant risks.
Anonymous, at May 7, 2009 at 8:32 PM
Most Americans are uneducated and unqualified. You wait restaurants, flip burgers, volunteer, do construction work and then expect that suddenly some day you would get to work in the best place in the world. Suck it up losers - you lack the qualification to work here. In fact, you lack the qualification to be in this country at all. Why don't you relocate to Africa?.
Troll or a former slum dweller from India?
Anonymous, at May 7, 2009 at 10:10 PM
to the commenter at 7:27pm. i don't support your hostile response even though i am also a foreigner here. remember it is their country, they own it. i know for sure that back in India getting work permit for foreigners is 100 times more difficult, and we don't even allow ppl from poor countries to work in India. Unless someone is from US or EU it is very difficult to get work authorization. we are taking advantage of rather generous immigration policy in US and we should be thankful for that.
Anonymous, at May 7, 2009 at 10:13 PM
@7:27 B-s-t! It is not the case that Microsoft and "every other employer in the country" has to look for a qualified American for 6 months before they hire an H1B. There's no such requirement generally in force. Feeling defensive is not a good enough reason to post inaccurately without learning what's going on, or to lie if you do know what's really going on.
That's how lies change opinioins even if they're not based in fact. They get out there in sufficient number, that they cause doubt among people who'd otherwise take reality for what it is. NOW STOP IT.
Am I the only person who has stalked the halls of LCA-populated buildings and seen the bulletin boards? Technical jobs were dutifully posted in buildings full of attorneys-at-law so that if needed, Microsoft could some day claim accurately that jobs to be outsourced are posted here in the US of A. A friend saw them before I did and noted, "Take a look at those salaries." It's not because they were abnormally high.
Anonymous, at May 7, 2009 at 10:19 PM
7:27 PM
The feds are stepping up their regulation of H-1b and L-1 visas.
Based on your substandard grammar skills, perhaps you are not one of the best and brightest. Maybe your visa is among the fraudulent 20%.
Kindly leave our country now.
Anonymous, at May 8, 2009 at 12:59 AM
Since the begining of time, every human being dreams to get a better life. I am an Indian. I know the reality of India. To get a Govt job in India is highly impossible, unless you don't belong to the reserved category. We do not have the guts to change the law. Getting an Engineering degree in India is not at all tough. Our education system is more of a degree in paper rather than practical knowledge. May be thats why its cheap comparing to a degree course in USA. It might sound rude to my fellow Indians, but its absolutely true. But that does not mean any one is superior to any one. Talent is distributed everywhere in the world. If at all there is any truth behind unavailabiliy of skilled workers in America, then i guess America should re-evaluate the fee structure for higher studies. and India should create more jobs for its citizens. No one likes to stay far away from their family. We Indians have definitely travelled to USA to get a better life. but it was fine until its own citizens were doing good. Now when things are not good, they have every right to question the system. We would have done the same in India as well. I honestly believe, Americans are far more tolerant people.
Anonymous, at May 8, 2009 at 4:26 PM
Since the begining of time, every human being dreams to get a better life. I am an Indian....Am an Indian too and your comment is much appreciated. We (Indians) have been able to catch the IT wave early and grabbed every possible opportunity made available (by IT) to us in India and abroad. Our contribution has been beyond "labor". As well, the next many generations in America, they would talk about our brains, hardwork, values and ability to adapt.
Never the less what i can see is that we (the Forward Class IT Workers) will be as much disowned by Indian Govt as much as by the Americans or any one else. We are modern day NomadsPravasi India Bye Bye!
We do see lot of Americans having Indina masala tea in Irani tea stalls and having lunches/dinners at Adiga's in Bangalore. Soon they will be building roads for us in India. We will tolerate them as well :))
Anonymous, at May 9, 2009 at 7:50 AM
Write your elected officials and urge them to pass S. 887 H-1B and L-1 Visa Reform. More needs to be done.
If I was a politician:
1. USCIS would be given authority to adjust immigration quotas, without a change in the INA. As more people get laid off in a specialty area, the quota for hiring someone under a NIV is reduced.
2. Labor certifications be performed yearly, instead of every 3 years for H-1, or 2 years for E-3.
Oh, but if I was a politican, Microsoft would bribe me and the law wouldn't be changed.
Anonymous, at May 9, 2009 at 10:51 AM
Are you people insane? I'm an immigrant. I started MS a few years ago. To join MS, they had to pay tens of thousands in legal fees. Plus ongoing annual fees to keep my immigrant petition alive. Plus my $110k salary. You really think MS is getting immigrant talent because it costs less? Get real. If there were any quality Americans for my job, they would have hired one. Sadly quality American is a bit of an oxymoron.
And for all you people who think that green cards are magically ok - you do realize they a huge number start out as H1Bs right?
Of course now you'll probably bitch that MS is spending too much money hiring immigrants. If they could find an American, they would. They didn't. So I get to enjoy the salary.
Anonymous, at May 9, 2009 at 11:20 AM
oh, and btw - the prevailing wage for my position is about 80k in the Seattle area. I make 30k more than that. So I guess that argument kind of goes out the window. What a surprise you're using inaccurate and misleading information.
It's too bad that the anti-immigrant zealots can't distinguish a legal and compliant company like MS (who bends over backwards to adhere to crazy USCIS regulations) from the others.
Anonymous, at May 9, 2009 at 11:27 AM
It's too bad that the anti-immigrant zealots can't distinguish a legal and compliant company like MS (who bends over backwards to adhere to crazy USCIS regulations) from the others.Employers may be legal and compliant. However, employers do a good job of bending over backwards in exploiting the law to keep qualified citizens out of a job.
Changing the law will stop this exploitation. To change the law, citizens need to speak up.
This is not about being xenophobic, it is about looking after the citizens of this country.
Anonymous, at May 9, 2009 at 12:08 PM
Sadly quality American is a bit of an oxymoron.
Really? LOL.
You might not be from India/China, but if you are, do they have quality in your slums back there?
Do you realize that you have come to the country that *Americans* have built over centuries? And work in a company that *Americans* have founded? If there is so much quality back in your country, why are you here?
Go back to the slum that you came from and see what kind of quality you find there. Moron.
Anonymous, at May 9, 2009 at 12:38 PM
We do see lot of Americans having Indina masala tea in Irani tea stalls and having lunches/dinners at Adiga's in Bangalore. Soon they will be building roads for us in India. We will tolerate them as well :)).
I won't dispute that the slum you come from needs some real roads. But perhaps you could hire fellow slum dwellers, at $2 per day, to build them instead of Americans :))
Anonymous, at May 9, 2009 at 12:52 PM
Please urge your elected officials to pass S.887 H-1 and L-1 Visa Reform Act of 2009.
Remind elected officials ESPECIALLY in Washington State - they were elected by the people, for the people, not BUY Microsoft.
Microsoft and other greedy employers created corporate visa programs. These programs benefit employers - not citizens and are eroding the professional middle class.
With the corporate visa laws, it is LEGAL for employers like Microsoft to layoff Americans and GC holders, and replace Americans with Guest workers. Today, Microsoft and other employers can legally bypass local talent and to recruit exclusively offshore for US jobs in the US.
Senator Durbin introduced S. 887 H-1 and L-1 Visa Reform Act to fix these problems.
American tech workers, even though you know your stuff, you are not exempt from being laid off(that is unless you're one of the Microsoft partners.
Help protect the professional middle class. American tech workers have earned the right to compete for jobs in our own country.
Note to the flamers - this is not about entitlement - this is the right to COMPETE for jobs. Today, we do not get this chance. See for yourself, check out some of the H-1B only job ads posted only in India for US jobs in the US at www.brightfuturejobs.com
Anonymous, at May 9, 2009 at 1:08 PM
more layoffs please. i heard there will be more layoffs .. wow its fun .. i love the suspense.
Anonymous, at May 9, 2009 at 3:07 PM
oh quit boohooing "Americans can't compete for jobs". What a load of bull. If a qualified American (or even a GC - which, again was likely once one of your nasty 'guest workers'...funny how that magically changes) were found for a job in the US, companies would hire him or her. Sadly Americans have decided more and more that a scientific education isn't for them and end up woefully unqualified for the technical nature of jobs that *are* open. The companies end up looking at a group of people entering the workforce without the skills needed to compete. When you can't compete, you lose to better participants.
If you want America to win, put the effort and money you're wasting on trying to keep people out, and put it into better education and science. Until then, people like me, who *did* get a sound education in science and technology *will* beat out American workers.
Anonymous, at May 9, 2009 at 5:08 PM
Newsflash Poster 5:08PM -The Washington State Unemployment rate is 9.2% and climbing. You may think you're the smartest person in the room. More likely, you are among the lucky that have not been laid off (yet).
No one is boo hooing - even if we're well qualified THERE AIN'T NO STINKING jobs. And, we are unable to compete for 65,000 jobs in our country because right now they are legally reserved for H-1B and L-1 workers only.
It is a lie that there are no qualified workers - and makes no sense when your former co-workers and family members are working as hard as possible to avoid foreclosure and find new work - but NOTHING is out there.
Have compassion for your friends and neighbors, it may only be a matter of time until you join us.
Anonymous, at May 9, 2009 at 7:06 PM
o you realize that you have come to the country that *Americans* have built over centuries?.
By exterminating Native Indians, IMPORTING Africans and using them as slaves?
Anonymous, at May 9, 2009 at 8:12 PM
Anonymous, at May 9, 2009 at 9:22 PM
To Anonymous@11:20
You probably got hired because your manager is from the same country, and he likes to surround himself with like-minded cronies beholden to him for their immigration efforts.
Why else are there so many gangs of Indians, Russians and other ethnic majorities around the place?
Anonymous, at May 9, 2009 at 9:38 PM
By exterminating Native Indians, IMPORTING Africans and using them as slaves?
Yes. No different than the gory past of any other country. Did India not have untouchability, bonded labor, feudal hierarchies, a rigid caste system and so on until just 60 years ago?
If you are not from India, let me know, and we can talk about your great country (and about why you are forced to live in this country that wasn't built to your standards).
Anonymous, at May 9, 2009 at 9:41 PM
You probably got hired because your manager is from the same country, and he likes to surround himself with like-minded cronies beholden to him for their immigration efforts.
Why else are there so many gangs of Indians, Russians and other ethnic majorities around the place?
I have seen such groups across Microsoft. Some of these guys can't even construct basic English sentences correctly.
They speak their native languages (Hindi, Russian, Chinese etc), and hire only from their ethnic group as much as possible.
Senior management does not care much since these groups get their job done for the most part. (Not that anyone at Microsoft notices even if you screw up).
But guess who is getting screwed? The American middle class.
It is hard to believe how much this H1/L1 visa program has been abused to the detriment of middle class Americans.
Anonymous, at May 9, 2009 at 9:52 PM
@12:52 "I won't dispute that the slum you come from needs some real roads. But perhaps you could hire fellow slum dwellers, at $2 per day, to build them instead of Americans :))
India has slum Dwellers and we are working on getting things better for them. What i offered was H1B equivalent for those Americans who would be jobless soon..."at least compete with our slum Dwellers" on the dollar rates whilst we make your businesses more profitable :)))
Anonymous, at May 9, 2009 at 9:58 PM
India has slum Dwellers and we are working on getting things better for them. What i offered was H1B equivalent for those Americans who would be jobless soon..."at least compete with our slum Dwellers" on the dollar rates whilst we make your businesses more profitable :)))
Next time you visit your slum, stop and take a deep breath. Smell all the fresh twists of shit, that people like you left on the road while relieving themselves.
And then you might realize why civilized people don't come to work in your slummy land :))
Anonymous, at May 9, 2009 at 11:30 PM
Citizens of other countries do not have the right to live and work in the United States. Having an H-1B visa gives a visiting worker the opportunity to temporarily work in this country. It is not meant as a means to replace a US worker, but only a supplement to the US workforce. All H-1Bs should be termintated before US citizens, in any layoff. Microsoft's abuse of the H-1B system will lead to government regulation to control the inflow of workers from other countries who take jobs from US citizens. I think you will see the H-1Bs reduced overall, and hopefully those that are allowed will go to universities or research. You don't need to import developers so you can layoff developers. Kick them all out, and let them apply for legal entry as immigrants. Microsoft is a broken company, and the abuse of the H-1B system is only one example of the many times that Microsoft will take the sleazy route to success, no matter who it hurts.
Anonymous, at May 10, 2009 at 12:34 AM
"Next time you visit your slum, stop and take a deep breath. Smell all the fresh twists of shit, that people like you left on the road while relieving themselves" You seem to know more about shit than i would...look thats where the change is happening to Americans....taking love to shit :))...I am sure you have an Indian immediate and skip Manager giving you enough of that :)
Anonymous, at May 10, 2009 at 1:22 AM
Of course anyone who works for an Indian knows what shit smells like, their manager. Do those guys even bathe?
And then you ever smell what they cook in the microwave? Leaves the kitchen smelling like oven roasted turd for hours.
Then even worse, those fuckers pile up 2-3 to a 1 bedroom apartment and then cook their shit that the entire apartment complex smells - JESUS!
Finally, some of the indian women I see around Mayuri by the Pizza Hut, holy shit those are some ugly fucking bitches
Anonymous, at May 10, 2009 at 10:12 AM
...."Finally, some of the indian women I see around Mayuri by the Pizza Hut, holy shit those are some ugly fucking bitches" With all the merits you shown as an American (in your gesture to food, culture and women)....Now you know why Americans hire Educated, Hardworking Knowledge Workers from India :). They do not want "free lunch" bugs to work for them.
Still a good bargain pal, come to India..with monsoon setting in we need sewer diggers like you on our Municipal Roles :). You can still continue with your rot tongue and pick up few of our desi abuses. I am so sure you would fit in well :).
All i can say is " I feel sorry for you". Sorry for you have no respect for food or women or for that matter any virtue that could have made you a human in the first place. I will close this conversation here, leaving no doubts on Indian Supremacy and of course with No Ill will to anyone including Americans. Cheers
Anonymous, at May 10, 2009 at 12:16 PM
Still a good bargain pal, come to India..with monsoon setting in we need sewer diggers like you on our Municipal Roles :). You can still continue with your rot tongue and pick up few of our desi abuses. I am so sure you would fit in well :).
All i can say is " I feel sorry for you". Sorry for you have no respect for food or women or for that matter any virtue that could have made you a human in the first place. I will close this conversation here, leaving no doubts on Indian Supremacy and of course with No Ill will to anyone including Americans. Cheers
You are "closing the conversation" with a different poster.
Let's continue the conversation. Tell me more about your slum life and how you managed to live right next to shit and sewage all your life in India.
Anonymous, at May 10, 2009 at 12:39 PM
it's clear the Indian Supremacist is just some self loathing white douchebag. Every Indian I've encountered barely has a grasp of the English language
Anonymous, at May 10, 2009 at 4:35 PM
The white "Indian" can't talk about a slum, because the closest he ever been to one is when his family had to stay at the Hilton
Went to an ivy League school, where he was "active", and now despite the monster salary supports high taxation
voted for Obama too
fits the profile perfectly
Anonymous, at May 10, 2009 at 5:01 PM
it's clear the Indian Supremacist is just some self loathing white douchebag. Every Indian I've encountered barely has a grasp of the English languageI know a lot of Indians who can speak English better than the rednecks of this country.
Anonymous, at May 11, 2009 at 6:04 PM
Microsoft is abusing L-1 visa..
Anonymous, at May 12, 2009 at 10:21 AM
Agree with previous poster. Microsoft's abuse of L-1 visa abuse is more egregious than the H-1b and even more sinister way to displace qualified American workers from jobs in the US.
Since current L-1 visa laws are unregulated, it is easier to import guest workers as intra-company transfers than H-1b.
Anonymous, at May 12, 2009 at 11:04 AM
Good read on H-1b and L-1 visa laws, misconceptions, history in Congress
Anonymous, at May 12, 2009 at 10:18 PM
I am seeing alot of clique with Indians hiring Indians and Russians hiring Russians within Microsoft.
Another reason why MS is going downhill!
Anonymous, at May 18, 2009 at 2:57 PM
To everyone posting:
My name is Manuel Valdes. I'm a reporter who covers immigration issues for The Associated Press.
The debate behind H-1B visas is not new, but coupled with the moribund economy, I've been wanting to explore this issue for a while.
If you're an American-born citizen, recently laid off, and would like to talk, e-mail me.
If you're a foreign worker who is getting caught in the middle of this debate and would like to talk, e-mail me.
Manuel Valdes, at May 20, 2009 at 11:45 AM
With AP, I don't think you will get a chance to write an indepth piece.
You should look into L1 visa's. Many outsourcers like Wipro have been abusing L1 in getting India based employees to work in the US for closed to minimum wage.
Anonymous, at May 20, 2009 at 12:32 PM
L-1 Visa abuse is rampant at Microsoft. My entire management team top to bottom, exclusively L-1.
Is is more than a coincidence that the only people in the group laid off were Americans? And.. most of them over 40.
See for yourself at Worksource Redmond. The vast majority of displaced workers over 40, and a high number have advanced degrees. It is hard to get a ticket for the 'mature' worker session (over 40) - people line up at 6:30am for the 9am workshop.
Sad but true.
Anonymous, at May 20, 2009 at 11:29 PM
Protectionism and restricted movement of labor is never good for free markets.
Anonymous, at May 26, 2009 at 1:13 AM
As a white American male who has been a dev manager and dev lead for around 8 years at Microsoft, I have seen no preference in hiring H1-B's or any other foriegn workers. In fact, we go out of our way to hire American workers. However, it is almost impossible to find them. I, personally, am very strict in hiring practices and have an excellent hiring record for quality and retention. A few years ago I had to hire around 20 people over the course of 8-9 months. In the entire time I saw maybe 4 or 5 American-born applicants. I hired two, which, given that I interviewed between 80 and 100 people, was higher than "average." The remainder was Chinese, Indian, or Eastern European/Russian.
Given the cost and complexity of hiring foriegn workers, including often having to wait up to a year before they can start, any hiring manager would love to stack there hiring process with American labor. People who are not getting hired, or get laid off and can't find new jobs in the company basically don't have the talent and skills necessary - independent of their origin.
(That being said, I'm sure there are naive hiring managers that incorrectly dismiss laid off workers due to a misconception that layoffs were performance-based and not organizationally based. Those managers are just stupid, and I feel for those individuals who have fallen into that problem. Personally, I would almost never hire an individual with a poor performance history just based on business risk, but I know the difference between a layoff and a termination as well)
Anonymous, at May 27, 2009 at 11:46 AM
"I hired two, which, given that I interviewed between 80 and 100 people, was higher than "average.""
Let me see if I have this straight... you interviewed close to 100 people for 2 open dev positions??
My god man!! no wonder inovation is in the tank! How many wasted days did you spend trying to hire 2 fucking dev positions???
And MS had to layoff people to cover for this kind of incompetence!!
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